Judgments are just like these bricks the Mario brothers have to jump over to avoid 'death'.
They're self-created bricks that cause a ceiling of limitation in your own mind that make it impossible to move past, unless you take a leap over it or punch through it.
These bricks are deliberately obstructive, laid willy illy in your consciousness. Rather than having an open space where thoughts of joy and creativity spring forth, there's a brick in the middle of the room causing clutter.
It's something to step over and avoid. And in this it creates a brilliant opportunity for the mind to fixate on it in anxiety or fear. The human mind loves to occupy itself with something. Anything!
So, when you're triggered by others judgments, it's never what THEY have said that's the issue. It's the fact that these judgments already exist within you and you've just been shown a mirror to where those bricks are in your space.